Monday, February 11, 2013

A Starting Point . . . of Sorts

Currently Reading: Philida (Andre Brink)

Kind of in the same place, yet in a new one. Spent two months partially unemployed; my love life is still complicated/non-existent, and my weight is still a struggle. There are some silver linings, however, I did pretty well my first semester of my MPA program; finally found a career choice that I'm actually excited about; got a new job that pays weekly and decently; bought a new car; going to Vegas in June for a wedding; and slowly, yet surely, paying off my debt. So, I would say this girl is finally getting her sh*t together. Now that I have the professional going, I need to focus on my personal life and the things that make me truly happy, like wine (ha!), writing, and good books. As of late, in spite of the awesomeness going on in my life, I am kind of bored. What else is there beyond the ritual of waking up, going to work, school, whatever, and doing it all over again the next day?

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